14 May 2013

Life With Purpose

What is Purpose?

What is the purpose of life? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? I have. Every person who has ever lived has asked at least one of those questions. Sometimes it takes a journey to find the answers. I was hoping to find life’s purpose in the popular book “Purpose Driven Life". You know the best-selling book that everyone was snatching off the shelves hoping to find purpose. Personally, after reading it I was disappointed and still confused about life’s purpose. Maybe I need to read it again lol! I remember trying to be a shoe designer spending hours on end surfing the web for a shoe cobbler in Massachusetts, aaauugh. That was so frustrating and such a waste of time. Then I got this bright idea to start a record label and name it “On Time Records” smh. I was desperately trying to find purpose and fulfillment in something. Thank God, within the last five years I’ve come to an understanding of Purpose.

Just recently I read the book of Ecclesiastes written by King Solomon in the bible. I came across this passage of scripture which so simply summarizes life’s purpose. "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty” Ecc. 12:13. Hmmmm, duty means obligation or responsibility. Wow, it was kind of an aha moment for me. I've been having a lot of those lately. The book of Ecclesiastes is an interesting read because it’s crude, comical and bluntly explains how this life is super short and "meaningless" without knowing and living for God. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, Luke 10:27. That would be your whole being. God should be everything to us and our desire should be to please and obey him in the earth, this is our main purpose! When you really think about it, achieving success, obtaining wealth, and indulging in sexual activity is what our world enjoys. Sporting designer handbags, purchasing luxurious homes, whipping expensive vehicles, rockin’ fancy shoes, and owning the latest gadgets make us feel important and successful, maybe even purposeful.
I remember last year, my husband and I had our spiritual mentor over for dinner. The Lord has blessed us with a lovely home and we give God glory for his blessings. Our mentor is a humble servant of God. He’s also an outspoken Italian man with an authoritative and commanding voice. He sat down at the dinner table and said, “Ty! Troy! This is a beautiful home! Just Beautiful! But it’s all rubbish in the sight of God!" LOL!! I will never ever forget that!! We were like, well thank you, I think? But he was so right! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having success, wealth and material items, it’s a blessing!  But it doesn’t last and should never be more important than knowing and following the will of God. Material things wear out, break down, lose value and become outdated. We put so much time, energy and money into obtaining these luxurious lifestyles when it only gives temporary pleasure. As the old saying goes, “only what you do for Christ will last!"

Jesus said, “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me" Matt. 25:35. Basically, Jesus is saying these are areas that are very important to him and should be very important to us. There is purpose in giving back and helping those who are less fortunate than we are. Make a difference in someone’s life by giving generous donations like money, food, clothes etc. Spend some time with the elderly or send a letter to someone you know who may be incarcerated. Share your talent without "always" charging a fee. The love of God can be shown through your good deeds.

Jesus also said, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them everything I have commanded you" Matt. 28:19. Yes, Christ gave this command to his 12 disciples, but guess what? We are his disciples too! Our world is filled with people who don't know God or what he's all about. As Christ’s disciples we are responsible for doing our part as Jesus commanded. Do you see how our lives are full of purpose? Its really not about you! It's about loving God and helping others.

You do your part by using the natural gifts and talents that are inside of you. We ask ourselves what is my purpose? I've learned that whatever comes naturally or effortlessly for you is the area you need to tap into and learn. Take classes, read books and exercise your gifts. USE THEM! lol! If you have a gift to sing or write, begin to sing about the things of God or write about things that will inspire people. If you have the gift to gab, look into motivational speaking or some type of public speaking. God can use your voice to speak to the nations. Maybe you have an administrative gift, God can use your organization and multi-tasking in ways that you can't even imagine. If you're a mom to little ones, your purpose is to pour into them Godly teaching and live by example. Raise them to be children of purpose. When you put God first, give back to others, and use your gifts for him, God will direct your path by presenting opportunities that will lead you to a purposeful and fulfilling life.



  1. Thanks Ty for another well written blog entry.
    I liked this alot and it's meaning resonates with me about doing everything for G-d. That is purpose.

  2. Hi Hadassah! Thank you for your comment. Yes, it's all about God. :-)
