God Requires Obedience!
Now that Gods got your attention, what is he personally requiring of you? As I shared in the previous post God Wants your Attention! God told me to stop doing a certain thing that I enjoyed doing. What I enjoyed doing was not sinful but not beneficial either. God used the affliction I suffered in my body to drive me to my knees so that I could be in a position to listen to God and obey his commands. God doesn't tell us to do things for no reason. The Lord was preparing me for the greater issue at hand, the true battle I had to face.
In order to be victorious in whatever season you're in or whatever battle you're facing, you need to be clean. God was cleaning my house of anything that would hinder victory and it starts with obedience. Everyone wants to be victorious but we need to be clean vessels that God can work through. We have to walk in obedience and we have to follow God's commands. I soon began to see that I was facing a vicious spiritual battle for someone that I love. I began to pray fervently crying out to God morning, noon and night. Following that fervent prayer I received this dream:
God is so gracious. It took me about a week to understand what God was saying in the dream. The Lord said, "This mirror is a reflection of you and many others. You are spotted and streaked just like the person you are praying for". I knew exactly what the Lord was talking about. There was unconfessed sin I needed to deal with. I quickly and sincerely asked God for forgiveness and thanked him for bringing those areas to my remembrance. I read PSALM 51 out loud several times to express to God how sorry I was. Side note: I did not commit the sin King David committed in psalm 51. I love how King David expressed remorse for the sin he committed.
If you are facing a wilderness season, dry season or a spiritual battle - especially if the battle you're facing is for someone else because the Lord has placed that burden upon you - It is very important for you to examine yourself. The same issue that the person you are praying for may be an issue of your own and you won't see victory until that issue is taken care of. Make sure there are no open doors in your life that will hinder your prayers.
It's very important to acknowledge unconfessed sin and ask for forgiveness. It will hinder your prayers. The bible says," But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness" (1 John 1:9). Ask God to reveal the issue/s that you need to confess, confront, change or stop doing altogether.
Another area that God deals with us in is un-forgiveness. Un-forgiveness will hinder answered prayer. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. - Matthew 6:14-15
Wow! If you don't forgive, God will not forgive you!" That's serious stuff. We need God's forgiveness every day! Forgiveness is a process but it is imperative that at some point we forgive.
So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God" - Matthew 5:23
Is there is a relationship you need to reconcile? Don't delay in doing it. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. Make things right with your brother or sister so you're not left to wander around in the season you're in. You don't have to be best friends with the person/s but you do have to love them. Oh, and pray for them too! I didn't say it, Jesus said it.
God is loving, gracious, merciful, compassionate and extremely patient. God gives us plenty of time and space to just be. When God is ready for you to come out of that space he will begin to speak to you and you need to respond. It may be a specific command from the Lord, maybe you need to confront unconfessed sin or maybe you need to forgive someone that caused you pain. Whatever it is, be obedient to what God is asking you to do.
God is not a tyrant who roams around seeking perfection. He's looking for broken and contrite hearts. This means he wants you to desire righteousness and a spirit of humility. He wants you to walk in holiness and separate yourself from the world. He wants you to be free from the clutches of the enemy who has had a hold on certain areas of your life. God wants you to be everything He has called and purposed for you to be! You will get through this! You are more than a conqueror, you are victorious! Search your heart and ask God to remove anything in you that is not like him. Here is a great scripture to pray for God to reveal those hidden sins in our hearts.
Next post will be on Prayer and Fasting
Even though Jesus was God's Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.
-Hebrews 5:8
Now that Gods got your attention, what is he personally requiring of you? As I shared in the previous post God Wants your Attention! God told me to stop doing a certain thing that I enjoyed doing. What I enjoyed doing was not sinful but not beneficial either. God used the affliction I suffered in my body to drive me to my knees so that I could be in a position to listen to God and obey his commands. God doesn't tell us to do things for no reason. The Lord was preparing me for the greater issue at hand, the true battle I had to face.
In order to be victorious in whatever season you're in or whatever battle you're facing, you need to be clean. God was cleaning my house of anything that would hinder victory and it starts with obedience. Everyone wants to be victorious but we need to be clean vessels that God can work through. We have to walk in obedience and we have to follow God's commands. I soon began to see that I was facing a vicious spiritual battle for someone that I love. I began to pray fervently crying out to God morning, noon and night. Following that fervent prayer I received this dream:
I was sitting in a class room with other students. There was a huge mirror at the front of the class leaning against the desk as if it were the teacher. The mirror was dirty, spotted and streaked. I could see myself in the mirror from where I was sitting. I said to the lady in front of me, "Eww, that mirror is dirty"! She agreed and said, "You better believe that WILL be cleaned."
God is so gracious. It took me about a week to understand what God was saying in the dream. The Lord said, "This mirror is a reflection of you and many others. You are spotted and streaked just like the person you are praying for". I knew exactly what the Lord was talking about. There was unconfessed sin I needed to deal with. I quickly and sincerely asked God for forgiveness and thanked him for bringing those areas to my remembrance. I read PSALM 51 out loud several times to express to God how sorry I was. Side note: I did not commit the sin King David committed in psalm 51. I love how King David expressed remorse for the sin he committed.
If you are facing a wilderness season, dry season or a spiritual battle - especially if the battle you're facing is for someone else because the Lord has placed that burden upon you - It is very important for you to examine yourself. The same issue that the person you are praying for may be an issue of your own and you won't see victory until that issue is taken care of. Make sure there are no open doors in your life that will hinder your prayers.
It's very important to acknowledge unconfessed sin and ask for forgiveness. It will hinder your prayers. The bible says," But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness" (1 John 1:9). Ask God to reveal the issue/s that you need to confess, confront, change or stop doing altogether.
Another area that God deals with us in is un-forgiveness. Un-forgiveness will hinder answered prayer. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. - Matthew 6:14-15
Wow! If you don't forgive, God will not forgive you!" That's serious stuff. We need God's forgiveness every day! Forgiveness is a process but it is imperative that at some point we forgive.
So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God" - Matthew 5:23
Is there is a relationship you need to reconcile? Don't delay in doing it. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. Make things right with your brother or sister so you're not left to wander around in the season you're in. You don't have to be best friends with the person/s but you do have to love them. Oh, and pray for them too! I didn't say it, Jesus said it.
God is loving, gracious, merciful, compassionate and extremely patient. God gives us plenty of time and space to just be. When God is ready for you to come out of that space he will begin to speak to you and you need to respond. It may be a specific command from the Lord, maybe you need to confront unconfessed sin or maybe you need to forgive someone that caused you pain. Whatever it is, be obedient to what God is asking you to do.
God is not a tyrant who roams around seeking perfection. He's looking for broken and contrite hearts. This means he wants you to desire righteousness and a spirit of humility. He wants you to walk in holiness and separate yourself from the world. He wants you to be free from the clutches of the enemy who has had a hold on certain areas of your life. God wants you to be everything He has called and purposed for you to be! You will get through this! You are more than a conqueror, you are victorious! Search your heart and ask God to remove anything in you that is not like him. Here is a great scripture to pray for God to reveal those hidden sins in our hearts.
Search me, O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there be any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
- Psalm 139:23-24
Next post will be on Prayer and Fasting
Thanks Ty. I really liked the article. I am doing my best to turn everything over to G-d and be obedient. Even though it is hard. I am glad you are feeling better. Hadassah