09 October 2012

What is the Gospel?

This past summer I was invited to sing for a pastor at her birthday celebration. It was being held in her church on a Saturday afternoon. I was told there was a fun program in place and there would be food and cake to celebrate her day. I agreed because I know the pastor who is a wonderful woman of God, so I didn't mind using my gift of song as a musical piece to fill the program. Saturday rolls around and it's almost 100 degrees outside. I figured since this is not a formal event and its burning up outside, I'll throw on my long black maxi dress with spaghetti straps and some sandals. I rocked my natural hair in a kinky curly high puff. I didn't look like a "church person" whatever that is, and I really didn't care. I know who I am in Christ.

 I arrive at the church and no one was there except for a woman and a couple of kids. With a smile on my face, I make my way over to where the woman was sitting and asked if Sister so and so was there. The woman looked up at me with a blank stare and said, "No she's not here yet." At that point I did not feel welcomed. Her short response and cross look made me uncomfortable. I said ok and found myself a pew seat (far away from her) in the spacious sanctuary to mentally prepare for my musical selection. Fifteen minutes later folk start coming in and so does the birthday lady.

The program gets going and I sung my selection. I decided to stick around and enjoy the rest of the program. The host announces its bible trivia time and calls up the youth Sunday school teacher (I believe). Guess who it is? Yup, the woman with the blank stare. In a boisterous voice she starts out by saying she will be asking some questions about the bible and will be calling people out for the answers. I'm like really?? Is this a birthday celebration or Wednesday night bible study? I'm looking at this woman with her old school updo and I got so annoyed. 

She yells out, "WHAT IS THE GOSPEL?" I'm looking for a specific answer, YOU IN THE BLACK STAND UP! I'm thinking to myself is this lady serious? She must really have it out for me! I stand up and she's glaring at me as she waits for the answer. In a soft tone I said, "The gospel is Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can be saved." Still glaring she mumbles, "hmmmm, NEXT! SOMEBODY ELSE!" So I sat my butt down. Someone blurted out, "It's the Good News! She was like, "WRONG! NEXT!" Now I'm blown away at how she was responding to people’s answers. She was supposed to be teaching and correcting in love, not knocking people down. I started noticing people creeping out of their seats so they would not be called on. I'd already settled in mind that once she gives the answer I'm leaving, probably never to return again. After she destroyed one last person’s confidence she gave this scripture: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4. Finally in a loud voice she says, "THE GOSPEL IS: THE DEATH, BURIAL AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST!"

Let me tell you, that experience had all types of wrongs in it, from being judged for the way you look to being merciless in the way you treat and respond to people. There is a lesson to be learned from this experience. If you profess to be a Christian people should see Christ in you! No one said you have to be perfect but project the love of Christ so people will respect you, take you seriously, and hopefully be receptive to your witness. 

Even though my answer was not exactly what the woman was looking for, it was not far off. You better believe after all of that craziness I will always give a detailed answer for what the Gospel is. The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and in that order!  Lol!! The wonderful truth is:  By believing in this Gospel, you are saved!

Be Blessed!


  1. Thanks Sister Ty I remember this story and I like what you said about that if your really our someone who is doing their best to live from the word of G-d than you can see Christ ( G-d) in them and there actions. I have always been inspired and touched by what people do than what they say. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So true Sis Hadassah! The things we say and the way we live our life speaks volumes to those that are watching and listening, especially if we profess to be a child of God. No one's perfect but let's make an honest effort. Thanks for commenting.
