30 October 2014

The Highway of Holiness

"A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it."

- Isaiah 35:8

God said "You must be holy because I am holy" - Leviticus 11:44. I believe Christians have lost their influence in the world because they represent Jesus poorly. Most Christians don't move in the power and authority that Christ gave because they don't walk in holiness. Holiness is rarely being taught as "the way" to live. Instead, Christians abuse the freedom they have in Christ making it difficult to distinguish the believer from the non-believer. If you walk, talk, and act like the world - you're not going to win anybody to Christ. Christians are supposed to be salt and light in this dark world. We should be setting a standard of living on the earth that makes non-believers envious and desire the joy and hope we have in Christ.

In my opinion, the churches today are partially responsible for the people of God lacking holiness. My husband says most churches look and act like a circus. It's all entertainment. The churches are trying to appeal to the non-believer by incorporating "things" that will attract them. I don't have a problem with getting a little creative. It becomes a problem when churches compromise on the ways of God and the message of the bible gets watered down so that people are not offended or turned off. People are leaving church services pumped up from the entertainment, but they're lacking a Holy Spirit conviction and a challenge to change or Come Up Higher in the things of God. In other words, they leave the same way they came - broken, powerless or stagnant in their walk with God.

As a Christian, YOU are responsible for "Walking out your salvation with fear and trembling" -Philippians 2:12. You should know what pleases God and what He requires of you. What places are you frequenting that promote a godless atmosphere? What inappropriate television programs are you watching that consume your time? What kind of relationships are you nurturing that are unhealthy and displeasing to God? Stop tolerating and accepting the sins the world promotes. Stop being a part of it. Stop saying, "A little bit of this is ok" or "As long as I don't do too much of that it'll be fine because I have freedom in Christ." Yes, the bible says "All things are permissible. It also adds, "But not everything is beneficial." - 1 Corinthians 10:23.

Very few men and women of God today operate in the power of the Almighty God. Don't you want to see answered prayer, people delivered from demonic oppression, people healed from terminal illnesses, nations turning their hearts back to God? These difficult requests require God's involvement. The key to seeing a phenomenal mighty move of God is holiness. Holiness is striving to have clean hands and a pure heart. Holiness is walking in obedience to God's commands. Holiness is how you live your life for God in the public eye and behind closed doors. It's not easy walking the narrow highway of holiness, but it can be rewarding.

It starts with a decision to do it! Then it takes discipline. You will mess up, you will fall down, but you must quickly get up and keep pressing forward. We are living in dark times. Our country is falling apart and our families are experiencing demonic attacks. As the people of God we have to get back to holiness, which is a standard of living that pleases God. When we do, He will heal our land and He will move on your behalf in ways you cannot imagine. Read the bible and know the word of God for yourself. Start walking on The Highway of Holiness.



  1. Love this! Thanks Ty. May God continue to you use and may you remain in the highway of holiness.

  2. Hi Juana! Thank you for reading this post and commenting! I appreciate your words of encouragement. Blessings! Ty

  3. Hello sister. I wrote a poem inspired by Isaiah 35 on the allpoetry website. May I use your glorious artwork on the page? I will give you credit for the photo and a link to your page in the authors note.

    Highway Of Holiness

    As power passes to the weak
    making firm their feeble knees
    Desserts shattered.. springs a creek
    His blossoms dancing in the breeze

    Faithful hearted without fear
    God in Glory and in vengeance
    The blind see, the deaf now hear
    His blessed mercy recompense

    Here His Word becomes a road
    on the Highway of His Holiness
    The unclean disallowed, forebode
    only peace and love melodious

    No more the Lion will pray
    sorrow and sighing shall flee
    There none shall go astray
    take the Holy Highway with me

    ©Michael J. Nappi

  4. Very uplifting and food for my soul.
