28 March 2020

7 Questions About The Prophetic Power Of Dreams & Visions Book




I am fascinated by the mysterious world of dreams and visions. In the past, I’d have the privilege of remembering a dream, then I would share with a friend about this weird dream I’d had the previous night. We’d laugh about it and think nothing of it. Little did I know that there is a message in our dreams!

How many times have you dismissed a dream because it was kooky, silly or just downright crazy? In 2004, I had an unusual dream that left me in awe regarding what I had experienced. The dream was extremely intense. After some time of pondering, I realized that I had a divine encounter.


My Dream - Floating on Air

“I was in an auditorium serving as an usher in a conference being hosted by Prophetess Juanita Bynum. I was standing in front of the podium along with another usher. Juanita Bynum is swiftly moving up and down the aisles preaching the word of God with passion and authority. I sensed a strong invisible presence surrounding her. As she charged down the aisle toward the podium, I felt the strong presence moving toward me and I was frightened. I quickly turned to run away but the presence overtook me and I fell facedown onto the ground. I was not able to talk nor could I move. I slowly began to rise to the top of the auditorium and float in the air. Other people were floating as well and we were gently bumping into each other. I no longer felt afraid as I was experiencing peace and love.

I floated to the right side of the auditorium and landed gently with my back to the floor. In a strong, boisterous voice that came from the pit of my stomach, I began violently screaming out praise and worship to God - HALLELUJAH!! GLORY TO GOD!! I WORSHIP YOU, LORD!! I felt possessed by the Spirit of God. Juanita Bynum cautiously moved to where I was and stood over me. When she witnessed me screaming violently - it seemed to frighten her and she quickly walked away.”   

I abruptly sat up in bed upon waking and sobbed profusely. I wept for the next two days because I could still feel the presence of God upon me.


Excerpted from 7 Questions About the Prophetic  Power of Dreams & Visions by Tytenisha L. Osgood. Copyright © 2020 by Tytenisha Osgood. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the author.


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